Monday, June 27, 2011

German underestimate the risk of alcohol

Binge drinking is commonly pushed to the youthful recklessness. Yet   are also increasingly at Akoholgenuss adults overestimate. This showed   the high numbers of people into an alcohol poisoning   Hospital must be admitted, said the Federal Agency for   (BZgA) on Friday in Cologne.

This number was not only in adolescents between ten and 20 years   tripled from 9,500 in 2000 to 26 400 in 2009, almost. Also in   the group of 40 - to 50-year-olds had the number at some 13,000   approximately 25,000 cases almost doubled. About 200 die every day in Germany   People from the consequences of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol is the most widely used drug in Germany, explained   BZgA Director Elisabeth Pott to the World No Drugs Day on Sunday.   Dependence potential and health risks of young and old would trivialize. But alcohol is a cellular poison that almost all organs in   Could harm the body. Especially among adolescents, the risk of   permanent damage and a subsequent dependence on large, because their   Bodies are still developing.

The BZgA puts the number of men from 18 to 65 years, in the   Germany in risky drinking amounts of alcohol, to 9.5 million. Women   should not be more than a small glass of beer and men no more than two   drink small glasses of beer at a maximum of five days a week, it said. For   Children fewer than 16 are drinking alcohol, forbidden by the Youth Protection Act. (EPD)

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