Monday, October 10, 2011

Facial hair in women

Visible facial hair in women called "Women's beard." The beard can either start at puberty or after menopause. The facial hair in women is rather undesirable. Even centuries ago, women with beards were as curious and have been exhibited at fairs. Even today, they draw the mockery of itself. Affected find it so hard to hide and be ashamed of themselves for their appearance.

The so-called hirsutism is a hormonally induced excessive hair growth and as a medical problem quite treatable.

One can waxing the hair epilation by, or remove a laser can, though one must be careful and confide in a professional woman should, then, do the facial skin is sensitive.
With very strong growth of hair doctors prescribe the pill, which engages in the hormonal balance and the excessive growth will stop.

Facial hair in men


For men, facial hair is part of their everyday life. They either wear a beard and it is part of the expression of their personality or they shave every day. They often understand it as a symbol of their masculinity.
By a release of hormones begin towards the end of puberty, the male beard. First, usually a light fuzz on his upper lip appears before the first hair appears in the amount of the ears. Only then will the hair grow on the chin and the so-called sideburns on his cheeks.

It takes about 4-5 years to grow a real beard and daily shaving or beard piece of everyday life. In some cases, the strength of hairs on the hormone testosterone, but is also genetically controlled. Regular shaving has no influence. Rather takes the growth due to the rising hormones throughout life.

With beards, which are available in many forms, it is a matter of taste whether a man chooses or not. But while it may also belong to the culture or religion. In many cultures, religious motives play an important role. For example for most Muslim countries where the beard is a part of masculinity.

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