Name origins
The origin of the word "vampire" Today there to disunity. Secured, however, that it made one of the many Slavic languages is. So it is with the Bulgarian word "Vapir" link located in that a Macedonian dialect comes from and as much as "winged creature" means. Others have the word "vampire" from the Serbo-Croatian or even from the Lithuanian back.
Origin of the vampire myth
The templates for the day in Western Europe, the most popular idea of vampires are originally from the South Eastern European folklore and the Slavic and Romanian mythology. The vampire has faith in the Carpathian region by Romania ( Transylvania ), Hungary , the eastern Austria , Bulgaria , Albania , Serbia and Greece widespread. This faith is the vampire scientifically proven line as socially anthropological phenomenon to understand the first in that the injury of individuals or the community from disease, crop failure or a responsible person sought is the same at. The "sucking blood" of the Vampire is not among the popular belief in the first place the traditional elements, more important is the abandonment of one's own grave, the village communities had to be tracked down by the concerned. Found in a suspect to the grave (Peter Kreuter called a crooked cross or a mouse-hole as a guide) a non-decayed corpse, so was this in different ways once killed and then burnt, which in most films, etc. still the end of a vampire is. In the Orthodox Christian faith in South Eastern Europe is relatively large distance of priests in the dying process, and the lack of a last rites to the one blurring the line between the living and the dead are seen as an advantage.
The idea of vampires is not just in South East Europe spread. Fast worldwide, there are myths about vampires or creatures that share important characteristics with this, for example:
• Asanbosam ( Ghana , Togo , Côte d'Ivoire )
• Aswang ( Philippines )
• Baobhan-Sith ( Scotland )
• the ghouls ( Greece , since ancient times)
• Wrukolakas (also Greece)
• Chiang-shih ( China )
• Dhampir (or vampire) ( Albania )
• Vampire (vampire), Vukodlak ( werewolf ) ( Serbia , Croatia , Dalmatia )
The first known alleged vampire was from Croatia , from the small village Kringa ( Istria ), died in 1652 and is expected to be years there. He was a farmer and was named Jure Grando . In 1672 he rose to be his grave in the village and often terrorized. In the book by Johann Weichard Valvasor literature, this vampire for the first time in European mentioned. Johann Joseph von Görres took over this story in his multi-volume work "The Christian mysticism," which was printed in Regensburg in 1836-42.
Founding fathers of the modern vampire myth may as John Polidori , J. Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) and Bram Stoker are considered. While the former is the general interest of the figure of the vampire woke, it was Bram Stoker, who coined the concrete image of the vampire.
Most of the media internationally popular vampire types and their names were carried by British occultist Montague Summers 1880-1948) determined (. Summers was the existence of vampires and werewolves believe in and declared the evidence for his theory every conceivable Spukwesen as a vampire, if it the folk tradition of the country even somehow or similar nachsagte blood eyes, even if the nature of Summers' self-developed definition of a undead disagreed.
Also follows from the vampire myth derived vampirism back to the superstition and that the drinking of blood, the essence of life is life giving. Well known in this context as "blood countess" notorious Erzsébet Báthory (Elizabeth Bathory), which consists of a Hungarian aristocratic family is. You will after the death of her husband in the blood of over six hundred by the promise of her castle-haired virgin maids bathed in order to keep young. This allegation was never proven or demonstrated. Similarly, Eastern Europe, the bustle of the Countess Bathory to the emergence of the vampire myth contributed.
The most famous vampire of Romanian folk mythology exists in is Dracula ( Vlad III Dracula. ) connected to Vlad Tepes (German: "the Impaler") is inspired. He seems to be a mistranslation, the product of a Scottish author in from 19 Century, the world set in and in the 20th Century relevant non-fiction writers with all sorts of fantastic features provided by, until it was established in lexicons had the vampire himself.
To date, it appears in different ethnic groups in Asia , Africa and South America , but also in Eastern Europe in vampires or vampire-like figures to give the faith. In particular, the Internet has emerged as a popular means of dissemination.
The last, exciting international event of vampire beliefs in Europe dates back sensation from the year 2005: In the Romanian village Marotinu de Sus, the body of a villager who died two years previously excavated. This was suspected at night as Strigoi - - his worst to drive the local form of the vampire. Family members cut the heart out of the corpse, burned to ashes dissolved in water and drank the solution.
Alternative to the term "vampire" was in the early modern period from Ukrainian and Polish native name "Upir" ( Ukrainian упир ) are common. The suffix "pir" stands for a "spring-loaded or winged creature," an indication of the assumed flight ability of the vampires. The term Upir was simultaneously forced out of the common vampire, probably because the origin is assumed in Southeast Europe rather than in nearby Poland.
The first designation as upir found for the year 1047 AD, mentioned prince called Upir lichyi near Novgorod , in north-west of Great Russia. In Western Russia there are also places that Upiry Upirow hot and whose residents to boast to be descended from vampires.
Another variation of the vampire belief in the old Romanian folk beliefs related to, the " Strigoi . " Romanian is a Romance language , so the origin of the word from the Latin , where straw "as much as witch means". "Strigoi" are in contrast to "Upir" and the Greek vampires, the "Wrukolakas" exclusively human and demonic souls of the dead are returned from the. "Strigoi" are also divided into two categories: in "Strigoi morti" and "Strigoi vii. The former are undead, the latter are already in his lifetime cursed people who after her death only to "must be Strigoi.
The descent from a "Strigoi mort" or, more rarely, severe committed sins of the mother. As a sign of such a curse discrepancies are anatomical interpreted, such as tail-like backbone extensions or head had grown parts of the amniotic sac, in the Romanian vernacular "caul" (from Latin: "caul", German : amniotic sac , see caul ) are cited. Originally Strigoi have nothing to do with sucking blood. Blood and blood thirst was later horror films, books, etc. attached. Strigoi visit to the faith after relatives of the dead and they do sometimes take them to. To switch between the realm of the dead and the survivors to establish a limit, at funerals spindles of yarn stuck to the grave and burned. Often mirrors are soap, razors, etc. laid in the grave as grave goods, so that the dead man has no reason the kingdom of the living to come back and act as Strigoi. This belief is in Romania and in Eastern countries (in Europe) is widespread. Some iron is dead, driven into a glowing heart. This is to prevent deaths on the Strigoi. In rare cases, looking Strigoi relatives to let them fall ill or to kill.
Vampires in the German-speaking countries
Especially in the 18 Century vampire many cases reported, mainly from villages in south-eastern Europe . After the end of the last Turkish war in 1718 some parts of the country, such as northern Serbia and part of Bosnia , Austria has fallen. These parts were with the Orthodox Christian refugees settled, the special status of military duty-free peasants. But they created the agricultural development and border security, so the first time in the German-speaking countries reached vampire reports.
Between 1718 and 1732 from Eastern European villages real vampire epidemics reported. One of the first and most famous reports of 1724/25 and is Kisolova relates to the village in east-central Serbia. From the Kameralprovisor Soon the clarification of the vampire responsible for cases. His report [4] on 21 July 1725 in the Austrian State newspaper. From Bald described what he has experienced in Kisolova. In this village became apparent reason, an increased death of the inhabitants on without so age died within eight days after nine people on one day, allegedly already endured disease. For it was Peter Plogojowitz (also Plagojevic actually Blagojević) blamed the ten weeks had died before. On his deathbed, said all the patients, they were choked by Plogojowitz been sleeping in what was interpreted the act of a vampire than later. The grave of Plogojowitz was opened and allegedly found the body in the state of a vampire: it was still fairly incorruptible, had a fresh paint and hardly flowed from rotting smell. Also had skin, hair and nails have grown in, after the original skin and the nails had peeled off. The orifices were found fresh blood, blood of the victims thought. The villagers therefore decided corpse to the piles and then burn to.
The report attracted much attention, the vampire belief in Eastern Europe fell in the German speaking but quickly forgotten. Most were in the affected villages doctors or clergymen sent to investigate the vampire cases. These exhumed the supposed vampires and written - often extensive - reports of the plague. They also made sure that all the beheaded bodies were burned and appearing suspicious.
From 1732 vampire reports were considered from another point of many and especially medical and scientific investigation. It appeared numerous dissertations on the subject. 1732 found the reports of the vampire myth also heard in the French and Dutch public through publication of reports from the military villages in various newspapers. The corresponding regions skillful physicians and theologians often written into the deaths of a previously unknown disease to. If too shallow buried victims of this disease could still be transferred, which die in the villages should explain the increased.
All for a "vampire" typical signs could be due to natural causes the body to explain and back, so Michael Ranft , of the report of 1725 from Kisolova had responded as first. He wrote several treatises, such as the "Dissertatio historico-critica de mastication mortuorum in tumulis or chewing and smacking of the dead in the graves." He said all the vampire mark rational, such as chewing or smacking with processes of decay and sounds of the animals ate , the incorruptibility of the dependence of environmental influences and the constitution of the deceased and the fresh blood to the body openings of the alleged vampires with red colored water and secretion . By doctors and other people allegedly identified characteristics he carried on fear, superstition and a resulting exaggerated imagination back.
Augustin Calmet , a French Benedictine scholar and explained in his 1745 published journal "scholars negotiate the matter of the phenomena of ghosts and vampires in Hungary and Moravia" [5] that in 1680 there were already reports of vampires, especially from the Serbian and Slavic languages. He also had natural causes for the vampire mark.
In 1755 Gerard van Swieten to Moravia sent to clarify the situation relating to vampires. Van Swieten was the personal physician of Maria Theresia , the Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia . He examined the alleged vampire cases thoroughly and wrote a sober report in which he - like Ranft [6] stated natural causes as an explanation for the vampire beliefs -.
Thus, one of Gerard van Swieten probably the most important fighters against the so-called superstition of the "ordinary" people. Because of its report adopted Maria Theresa issued a decree on the subject of vampires, the traditional defensive measures, such as stakes, beheading and burning prohibited all. She also ordered that references to so-called resurrected dead now no longer the church, the superstition still obeyed the feed, but to notify the authorities are. They also sent in 1756 the German surgeon Georg Tallar in the affected areas of vampire beliefs, to once again examine the situation and report to draft a new. Eastern Europe was just the time as backward and in need of civilization considered to. It was therefore now in the 18th Century as the antonym of Western and Central Europe, which described itself as cleared up. The Enlightenment saw it as scandalous that such "superstition" could arise at all.
Aptly described Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the vampire myth of the 18th Century:
"S'il y eut jamais au monde et une histoire guarantee prouvée, c'est celle des vampires. Rien ne manque: rapports officiels, témoignages de personnes de qualité, de Chirurgie, de Pretre, de juges: Evidence l'est complète.
(Approximately Translated: "If ever in the world a proven and tested history was, then the Vampire nothing is missing. Official reports, witness statements of warranty people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates. The evidence is complete" )
The church, which supposedly provided the superstition still feed - such as the opinion of Maria Theresa - was at least partly explained well and resisted the "measures" against vampires. Thus wrote Pope Benedict XIV a letter of response to the request of a Polish archbishop, how to "Vampire" should proceed because, while he already had access to van Swieten's report. The Pope, who was regarded as a progressive and Enlightenment supporter, made clear in his letter that he held the vampire belief is nonsense, and meant the Archbishop that it was up to him, this "superstition" to exterminate. He also put him close to those priests who promote superstition nor to relieve of their duties.
In Germany the term "vampire" since about 1720, ie since the first reports of the so-called "Serbian vampires" (Kisolova, Medveca) coated. Earlier evidence, such as the circulating on the Internet farewell speech ("You call us vampires") of an alleged 1643 Munster, who was executed in French nobleman named Villain de Boaz, have pseudo-poetic forgery proved. Goethe's ballad "The Bride of Corinth" (1797) processed the vampire myth - at least hints - literary. His undead bride does not suck blood, but takes her lover to his grave.
In German-speaking vampire faith in its pure form is not detected, although there are numerous references, such as parallel beliefs and actions against the undead could be taken. After the performance in many parts of Germany was the undead continues in the grave, and sucked as a so-called Nachzehrer surviving the life force from his. Already in the 14th to 17 Century, Europe had faith in the so-called "Nachsterben" to killing revenants and Nachzehrer. They should sit upright in the grave, and by chewing on the shroud or on its own limbs to their relatives suck the life force and bring him to the grave. The deaths took so long until the shroud was exhausted, during which time the grave was a big focus to be heard.
The "Shrike" (Pomerania, East Prussia) and the double sucker "(Wendland) are figures that come to the figure of the classic vampire is very close, and combating it is similar to that of the South East European vampires in detail.
Like some vampire books describing hand, there are in South America , the idea that the vampires in bats can turn. The specific source of evidence that the transformation is widespread idea that it actually will never supplied. If these reports of the idea to the reality of transformation, this would probably be due to the fact that in South America is a group of bats ( vampire bats ) that feed exclusively on blood, but mostly on animal blood. The reports of vampire bat attacks on humans are partly speculative or sensationalist fantasy products, but is actually so isolated from anything. This shows the historical relationship of the subject matter of the vampire with a belief in Werwesen (lycanthropes called).
Properties attributed
The different traditions of the vampire myth describe various characteristics and properties, which make up today's notion of the vampire. Such characteristics have been passed down from various sources that vary in detail. It is estimated that out of myths that time only a fraction has survived, but which nevertheless allows for the uniform description of a vampire, to some degree.
Accordingly, vampires are undead creatures in human form who live in their graves and daytime sleep in her coffin. They are characterized by their pale appearance from and are nourished exclusively by blood . Perhaps that's why vampires have an abnormal bite, which is characterized by its sharp canine teeth, as the nipping tools, are used to characterize all before. In many ancient representations is of two, four canines rarely mentioned. These add vampires to their victims, which are primarily human, a bite wound, which is in the neck area of the artery is to the most. Then they drink the blood of their victims to their blood thirst. According to other accounts vampires have human form, but they can bat or giant bat-like creatures in turn. You can also walk up walls.
Ernst Stöhr Vampire (1899) seems the attributes of physical strength, sexual desire and attraction to unite.
An essential feature of the vampire immortality is attributed to that - combined with his usually superhuman physical strength and the blood hunger - accounts for a large part of the terror of the vampire myth. In addition, vampires awarded a pronounced sex drive. Vampire will have a powerful attraction on their chosen sex and seduction artists are.
Bitten by vampires were vampires themselves. In some legends , however vampire bites are also several types of documents. In some states, the vampire could decide whether his victim into a vampire or a ghoul , a kind of serving Zombie Verwandelung. It is known that the ghoul with the vampire myth has to do the traditional anything, because it originated in the Arab-Persian myths circle and a corpse-eating demon. Yet other stories say that a vampire victim will be able to vampire only when a (for its time tag) unclean animal, like a cat's body or an open grave which was jumped over. Another version says that the vampire victim will then become a vampire until it drank blood, the veins of the vampire is flowed through.
In some legends, can vampires bats or (rarely) in wolves turn, has since been found with that bat transformation of the Romanian folk mythology not occurs. Vampires are commonly seen as active at night, they dissolve into dust or burn when exposed to sun rays. This appears to be primarily an invention of the director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau for his film Nosferatu to be. The template Abraham Stoker's vulnerability is no such mention, instead, is merely a weakening of the vampire on the day of the speech. Often it also means they possess no mirror image . Furthermore, it is reported that vampires were not in a position to cross running water, or generally from water were afraid.
Also, vampires enter an occupied building only if a resident has asked it to do so. Furthermore, vampires are often attributed to the ability to recover quickly from injuries.
More details about vampires are not widespread, vampire-victim silver coins in his mouth to fill the about to enter one of the undead to prevent transformation of his. [7] for the different myths may be examples to the review of the 1733 written work, rational and Christian Gedancken the vampire [8] by Johann Christoph Harenberg make relevant descriptions from this period includes the, including an oft-quoted report [9] of military doctor Johann Inger Flück.
The legends have provided passive protection against vampires, some of which in the 18th Century have been applied perfectly. So shall garlic and illustrations of a crucifix deterrence serve. After an experimental study with blood flukes , however, the efficacy has been attributed to garlic called into question. [10] Furthermore, holy water damage to vampires. Especially the latter emphasizes the idea of "demonic character" of a vampire. Ways to kill a vampire, were the heads and above all the poles (hitting a wooden peg right through the heart ). In some representations, however, the stakes will only become a kind of rigor mortis, the end of the peg again be able to go out through the drawing. A combined method of these two practices ( heads and poles ) is to prevent the vampire returns as undead. In this method, the vampire impaled and head of the creature with a spade a gravedigger separated the. Then the mouth of the dead is filled with garlic.
In other regions, people put objects in the coffins of the dead, to prevent these deaths rose again from their graves. This should be done by with this information in their grave goods "employed", such as fishing nets or poppy seeds in the graves. The deaths every year should open a node or eat a poppy seed and are busy.
Vampire in the media
Works of literature
→ Main article: Vampire novel
Vampire of the Nosferatu-type (Illustration)
Famous was the first vampire by his romanticized view in the literature [11] . The first vampire novel Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897), but also the earlier stories Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Lefanu (1872) and John Polidori's The Vampyre (1819) did this, the foundation and gave the dangerous monsters and soul desires. The name of Stoker's vampire, Dracula, was the epitome of Urvampirs. Namesake, albeit limited historical model for Stoker's Dracula was a Romanian prince Vlad III. Dracula , also known as Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler) called for in the Romanian tradition, the prince will never be portrayed as bloodsuckers or undead, but he is said to occasionally shells collected in the blood of slain enemies have been drinking. In modern literature, the theme of The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer's Up (s) on the morning or in Angela Sommer-Bodenburg children's book series The Little Vampire processed.
Film and Television
→ Main article: List of vampire movies and Draculaverfilmungen
1912 saw the first long feature film vampire Vampyrdanserinden by August Blom in Denmark. Since Friedrich Murnau's film Nosferatu vampire are numerous other cinematic and literary works on the topic arose, including Dracula ( Tod Browning , 1931), Vampyr - The Dream of Allan Gray ( Carl Theodor Dreyer , 1932), Plan 9 from Outer Space ( Edward D. Wood, Jr. , 1959), Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht ( Werner Herzog , 1979), Roman Polanski's Dance of the Vampires , Dracula , Blade , Van Helsing , Underworld , Queen of the Damned , Interview with the Vampire , The Lost Boys , From Dusk Till Dawn and the TV series Buffy - the Vampire Slayer , Moonlight , Angel - Darkness and Blood Ties , as well as adaptations of novels by Stephenie Meyer Twilight - Bis (s) on the morning and Bram Stoker's Dracula .
Mel Brooks parody of Dracula in his film Dracula - Dead and Loving It . 30 Days of Night, a 2007 twisted horror film with some other vampires.'s The Vampire Princess , an Austrian documentary from 2007.'s Let the Right is a Swedish film in 2008 after the same titled novel by John Lindqvist Ajvide was filmed.
In 2010 appeared the vampire series The Vampire Diaries , based on the book series by Lisa Jane Smith , whose first volume appeared in 1991.
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